bio Eng - ita

The Quinteto Porteño, composed by Nicola Milan (accordion), Daniele Labelli (piano), Nicola Mansutti (violin), Roberto Colussi (guitar) Alessandro Turchet (double bass) was born in 2006 with the intention of exploring and studying Argentine tango, with particular regard for the music of the great composer Astor Piazzolla.

The enthusiasm and appreciation of the public have accompanied the formation since the beginning and have been strengthened by the success of the first album recorded by the Quinteto "DECARISIMO", released at the end of 2008 for the "Assowhat" label.

"DECARISIMO" is a sincere tribute to the great Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla of Italian origins who passed away in 1992, who with his poignant melodies, full of tension and passion (one above all: Libertango) has made tango famous all over the world.

Many are the songs played by Quinteto including : Adios Nonino - Escualo - Fracanapa - Milonga, Muerte e Resurecion del' Angel - Biyuya - Primavera, Estate, Otoño e Invierno Porteño - Decarisimo - Libertango

Quinteto Porteño boasts numerous concerts in the Triveneto in festivals, theaters and squares. In 2009 they participate in the festival of Castel Sant 'Angelo and Castel Fidardo.


Having gained an original sound, the Quinteto decides to tackle his own compositions, presenting himself to the public with original music, entirely composed and arranged by the formation. "Desiderata" is the project wanted and created by Quinteto Porteño to merge different musical worlds.

Popular music, South American music, Jazz music, Classical music and a typically Italian cantabilità are intertwined giving life to a sound full of charm, cultured and refined that knows how to excite and drag any listener with you.

The strength of the ensemble is the spontaneity of expression and the great vitality of the live performances. The possibility of dilating and restricting the forms, inventing and improvising the introductions or the suns make each concert a unique event.


The second CD "DESIDERATA" released by the AlfaMusic record label was nominated for the Orpheus Music Award among the 5 best CDs of Jazz with Accordion in Italy.


Flattering consents were obtained after the compositions were broadcast by important radio stations such as Vatican Radio "Jazzscoltando" (live worldwide), Radio Tre, Radioactivity, Anima Jazz,, Radio Due, Radio Nuova Musica, Radio Onde Furlane and reviewed in articles in magazines and newspapers such as Gazzettino, Messaggero, Il Popolo, Mondomix, Instruments and Music, Accordions, RomainJazz, AgendaJazz.


About us...

Radio Anima Jazz: "an excellent group this Quinteto Porteño, a group prepared with ideas, certainly very good on the technical level as well as on the creative level ....."

Bruno Pollacci

Mondomix: "The rigor that pervades the sound and the particular solemnity of the sung parts give this work a deeply personal dimension in the Italian and international music scene".

Elisabetta Sermenghi

Jazzagenda: "Desiderata is of rare beauty."

Eliana Augusti

"An incredible band with a crazy sound"

Biagio Antonacci


At the end of 2012, after the entry of Nicola Mansutti on the violin, the Quinteto gets back to work with a new project "RINASCIMENTO". The project is performed in various Festivals (Jazz Koiné, Musae ...) thus refining the tracks for studio recordings.


On February 24, 2014 "RINASCIMENTO" was published by the ALFAMUSIC record label in Rome with international distribution EGEA.



The "Rinasciento" project matures from the current crisis. The tensions, the anxieties, the lack of time and values of modern man are found in passages such as "Milonga dell'Incoerenza", dedicated to the Italian ruling class, or in "Il Sogno Abbandonato" dedicated to all those people who still today they are forced to leave their country as a last chance of work or salvation.


"Rinascimento" is also a research album where music communicates without the need for images or entertainment, communicates through an exquisitely musical alchemy as in "Milonga de Porto" or plays with numbers as in "Quintedia" and "Tango 7" (respectively with the rhythms of 5/4 and 7/4). There are positive and hopeful messages as in the song "Il Sole sopra le nuvole" or that pay homage to female vitality as in "Ciò che muove il mondo". On this journey, cultures mix without treading, living together in a natural way and in "Estango" tango even embraces Balkan music. Finally there is "Rinascimento", a song in which music blends Italian tradition and innovation, virtuosity and sentiment, music and philosophy.
There is a need for a Renaissance, to place the authenticity of the person and life at the center of all reasoning and action. There is a need for a Renaissance in the globalization of languages ​​and ways of thinking. This is Rinascimento (Renaissance): a music that excites, that seeks and transmits the energy of life.


On 22 April 2016, in the tenth year of activity, he will perform some of his own works rearranged with the Arrigoni String Orchestra.




From the concert their latest CD "Quinteto Porteño with Strings" was born, released for the Birdland Sounds label in collaboration with the string orchestra "Arrigoni".




Nicola Milan: fisarmonica

Pianist, accordionist, composer and teacher born in 1975.
He began studying the piano early with F. Della Bianca and A. Del Cont. Later he studied accordion with G. Fassetta and graduated brilliantly at the Conservatory of Mantua "L. Campiani" under the guidance of E.Zajeç. He held numerous concerts, as a soloist and with various formations, ranging in various musical genres, performing in Italy and abroad, in recent years mainly with his own compositions.

In 2006 he founded the "QUINTETO PORTEÑO" (N. Milan Accordion, D. Labelli Piano, S. D'Eusanio - N. Mansutti Violin, A. Turchet Contrabbasso, R. Colussi Chitarra).
With this lineup he recorded: 2008 "Decarisimo" tribute to Astor Piazzolla; 2010 "Desiderata" Cd published by the Alfamusic record company in Rome which also marks the debut of Nicola Milan as composer and arranger; 2013 "Rinascimento" recorded in Rome at the invitation of the Alfamusic record company; 2016 "Quinteto Porteño With Strings" live cd with original music arranged for Quinteto and string orchestra. As a soloist he recorded: 2017 "Like a figure in the fog" Piano album only containing original compositions.
He has participated in many festivals playing for various institutions: Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research, A.Gi.Mus, Project Musae Province of Pordenone, Friulanamente tango project, Renaissance and theater queue for the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Fadiesis Accordeon Festival, Between Waters and Grapes, Unusual Notes, Italian Mandolin Federation, Acordeons Festival of Bologna, Review of Great Interpreters of the Accordion, In the sounds of the places, Santa Cecilia Portogruaro Foundation, Castelfidardo International Festival, Music in Villa, Summer in Villa, Ethically, Open museums , GradoJazz…. His compositions have been broadcast by important radio stations (Vatican Radio "Jazzscoltando", Radio three, Anima Jazz, Radio due, Radio Rai Uno) and articles of appreciation have been published in magazines and newspapers (Gazzettino, Messaggero, Mondomix , Instruments and Music, Accordions, RomainJazz, AgendaJazz, Jazz Italia, JazzIt.…). The Desiderata CD was nominated for the Orpheus Music Award among the 5 best Jazz with Accordion CDs released in Italy in 2010. The Rinascimento album was the disc of the week on Rai Radio Tre. Some of his compositions have been used as a theme song for Rai Radio Uno radio programs. He collaborates regularly with the following formations: Quinteto Porteño, Seventh Note Gospel Lab, Revelation Gospel Project, Mitili Folk, Trio Porteño, Playa Desnuda. He is active as a composer of stage music. He has worked and works for theater companies (Compagnia di Arti e crafts, Molino RosenKranz ...) participating with his own compositions in the theater seasons of Ert. Passionate teacher, she has collaborated with many private and public musical institutions. He is currently engaged with: Ass. "The Art of Music" of which he is also Artistic Director, in the offices of Zoppola and Casarsa della Delizia, Municipal School of Music of Latisana, Santa Cecilia Portogruaro Foundation. He has deposited more than 50 original compositions in Siae.


Daniele Labelli: pianoforte


He began studying piano at the age of nine at the Santa Cecilia Music Institute in Portogruaro under the guidance of the pianist Marina Baudoux and in 1994, at the age of twenty-three, he graduated with honors from the B. Marcello Conservatory of Venice.

At the same time he graduated in Accounting, studied Composition and Choral Music at the same Conservatory and approached jazz language studying with the Pordenone pianist Bruno Cesselli. In 2006 he graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Jazz at the G.Tartini Conservatory of Trieste under the guidance of pianists Glauco Venier and Marcello Tonolo with a thesis on the jazz pianist Bud Powell. In March 2009 he obtained the Biennial Degree in Jazz with an interpretative address at the same Conservatory with a thesis on the music of the pianist Fats Waller arranged for piano and string quartet. Since 1997 he has performed regularly as a pianist in one of the most prestigious cafes in Piazza San Marco in Venice alongside this activity with numerous collaborations in various contexts: in groups such as the gospel choirs "The Joy Singers" directed by Maestro Andrea D'Alpaos and " The Colors of Gospel "by San Michele al Tagliamento; of sacred music such as the San Zenone Choir of Fossalta di Portogruaro; jazz like Mauro Darpin's Jazz Toys Quartet and Labelli Trio with Alessandro Turchet on Double Bass and Paolo Prizzon on Drums; swing like the Rodolfo Vitale Swing Orchestra; R&B as the Maria Live Band group; by Crossover Pop-Lirica with Tenors Alessandro Safina and Luca Foffano. He plays in Band with Tullio De Piscopo in numerous concerts and also with the jazz Vibraphonist Daniele Di Gregorio. Since 2006 he is a founding member, pianist and composer of the Quinteto Porteno with repertoire of Tango Nuevo. In 2001 he recorded a jazz disc with the clarinetist Michela Quintavalle and since 2007 he had a record as a pianist and composer in the Porteno Quintet; in 2011 with the Saxophonist Corrado Zanetti. Since 1996 he has been teaching at the Santa Cecilia Music Foundation and at the same time also at the MusicArte Association of San Michele al Tagliamento and since 2003 he has been teaching permanently at the Paul Jeffrey School of Modern Singing in San Giorgio di Livenza.


Nicola Mansutti: violino

He studied with illustrious teachers and musicians such as Maestro Fister, Volochine, Berinskaja, Bogdanovich, G. Guglielmo, Koch, Moccia, Rabaglia, R. Baldini. For chamber music he specialized with F. Rossi (cellist of the Italian Quartet), B. Baraz, V. Berlinsky (cellist of the Borodin Quartet), B. Giuranna and the New Italian Quartet.

In addition to the study of the violin, he developed an interest in analysis and composition, which he studied in depth following the courses taught by Maestro Daniele Zanettovich. He has been interested in years of ancient executive practice. He specialized in baroque violin with S. Montanari, G. Fava, D. Luisi and for baroque ensemble with T. Koopman. For several years he was a violinist of the Venice Baroque Orchestra.
In parallel, the dedication to the study of the historical twentieth century and to contemporary music led him to the first performances of numerous composers including Solbiati, Silvestrini, Solares, Magnoni, Bloland, Sivilotti, Zanettovich, Miani, Perocco, Pérez Tedesco, Longo and many others .
He has played for numerous associations and concert seasons in Italy and abroad, in some of the most important concert halls in the following countries: Austria (Musikverein, Konzerthaus - Vienna), Spain (National Theater - Madrid, Teatro Liceu - Barcelona), France (Salle Pleyel and Theater des Champs Elysees - Paris), Luxembourg, Germany (Hercules Saal - Monaco), Holland (Concertgebouw -Amsterdam), USA (Carnegie Hall- New York, Disney Hall- Los Angeles), Belgium, Slovenia (Zankariev Dom - Ljubljana), Croatia, Poland (Philarmonic Hall-Krakow), Greece (Megaron-Athens theater), Czech Republic (Rudolfinum - Prague), Albania, Romania, Canada, Tunisia (Opera House - Tunis), Egypt (Theater dell'Opera - Cairo), Brazil (Sao Paulo - Memorial from Latin America, Bélem - Teatro da Paz), Argentina (Coliseum Theater - Buenos Aires), Chile (Municipal Theater of Santiago de Chile), Uruguay (Solis Theater - Montevideo ).
He has recorded for the labels Agorà, Rivo Alto, RS, ArteSuono, Tau Kay, EpicMusic, Talents, Rainbow Classics, Koinè records, Alfa Music, Egea, Naïve, Archiv, Deutsche Grammophone, SWR, RAI and Catalan Radio Television.
Its eclectic nature has led him to collaborate on projects in various musical fields including the Quinteto Porteño which offers original compositions in the style of tango-jazz.
Active for almost twenty years in the field of musical education and in the organization and implementation of projects for children, he is currently a violin teacher at the Percoto Music High School in Udine. He collected the didactic heritage of different European violin schools. He also followed training courses according to the Kodály method with teachers from the Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of Music and the Ferenc Liszt Academy in Budapest. He is also completing an international educational certification path according to the Colourstrings method, following the courses taught by prof. Szilvay (Helsinki String Institute), creator of this innovative teaching system for stringed instruments.


Roberto Colussi: chitarra

He has been working as a teacher and professional musician since 2000, ranging in different musical styles: classical, Latin, jazz, rock, funk and gospel. He plays in Italy and abroad in Festival (Novara Gospel Festival, Castelfidardo International Festival, Gospel Air Switzerland, Varese Gospel Festival, Musae, Jazz Koiné, Fadiesis Accordion Festival, Nightfly ...), Theaters (Ponchielli Cremona, Giovanni da Udine, Verdi of Pordenone, Verdi Rosseti of Trieste, Accademia Conegliano, Regio Torino, Faraggiana Novara ...) Squares, Clubs, Radio and Tv (ORF, RAI, SKY, MEDIASET ...).

In 2013 he collaborated with the Novara Gospel Festival playing with JT Band Jason Thompson, Wayne Ellington, Michelle John, Faye Simpson, Audrey Mattis, Lurine Cato (Mobo Awards), Israel J Allen (Uk X-Factor), Myron Butler & Levi (Grammy Award and Stellar Award American), Isaac Simpson (Grammy and Glass Awards), Michael Stuckey (Glass awards), Richard Hartley (Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey). He has been actively collaborating since 2009 with Dir. Alessandro Pozzetto and M ° Rudy Fantin in various gospel choir groups, thanks to which he has played with the likes of Karima, Cheryl Porter, Sherrita Duran, Cedric Shannon Rives & High Praise Gospel Singers, Malik Young, Stefanie R. Minatee, Nick the Nightfly, Donald Lawrence (Grammy Award), Ty Le Blanc ... and appears in several audio / video publications. From 2006 to today it is actively part of the Quinteto Porteño, a splendid formation that ranges from tango to jazz. The line-up has four CDs. In 2007 he will briefly collaborate with the Phonica rock group of Venice with whom he has the opportunity to share the stage with Stadio and Sugar Free. With the band he plays at Mei di Faenza for the 1st Pop label. From 2006 to 2009 he actively collaborated with Maria Dal Rovere (Luca Pitteri, Magris, Striscia la Notizia ...) in the Maria Live Band project. Always with the Maria Live Band and the Paul Jeffrey choir directed by Angela Milanese playing (with the Paul Jeffrey choir directed by Angela Milanese) at the Leonardo da Vinci auditorium in San Donà di Piave (Ve) for "The poet of Italian music" of the Teatro dei Pazzi in honor of the lyricist Mogol. At the end Mogol will invite those present to Cet, the music school he founded in Umbria. From the evening the DVD "The poet of Italian music" is produced. With the Maria Live Band you will have the opportunity to play with Manuela Panizzo (Gianluca Mosole, Cece Rogers, Courtney Pine ...), Vittoria Hyde (X-factor), Antonio Torella (Compagnia della Rancia). Since 2006 she has accompanied singers, soloists and the choir conducted by Elena Camerin and Angela Milanese for the singing school Paul Jeffrey directed by Fiorella Ventinelli. He has the following productions to his credit: Ghirardini Quartet "Schiume"; Quinteto Porteño "Decarísimo"; Jury Dal Dan "Personal Africa"; "The poet of Italian music" (Dvd) with Mogol; "Jazz & Wine Exclusive Groove" (Cd Compilation); Symphonic Orchestra Fvg "Molinari op.3" (Dvd) - recorded at the Verdi Theater of Pordenone; Quinteto Porteño "Desiderata"; The Colors of Gospel "Holy Ghost Crazy Colors"; Fvg Powerful Gospel Chorale "Concert for the New Year" (Dvd) - recorded at the Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine; Fvg Powerful Gospel Chorale "Una Luce Sul Mare" (Dvd) - featuring Sherrita Duran & Alessandro Pozzetto; River Gospel Mass Choir "Praise the Lord"; Fvg Gospel Choir "Par Furlan"; Quinteto Porteño "Rinascimento" (Alfa Music / Egea); FVG Gospel Mass Choir "The Mass Message" (Angel Wings Studios); Fvg Powerful Gospel Chorale "Live @ Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine" (Angel Wings Studios); The Colors of Gospel "Colors Inside"; Quinteto Porteño "Quinteto Porteño with Strings" (Birdland Sounds).


Alessandro Turchet: contrabbasso

He began studying bass guitar under the guidance of Maestro Piero Cescut.
He undertakes the study of the double bass under the aegis of Maestro Romano Todesco.
He graduated in double bass at the "J. Tomadini" Conservatory of Udine under the guidance of Maestro Franco Feruglio.
He deepens his classical studies with Maestro Mauro Muraro and Maestro Fabio Serafini. Deepens the study of the Jazz language with Maestro Marc Abrams.

He has worked as a musician and music teacher since 2000.
He does teaching at the "Scuola di Musica Città di Codroipo", Codroipo (Ud), as a teacher of electric bass and double bass. It is present in more than 90 recordings, among which in evidence: "Arrivederci Chet!" Cool Cat 3io (Folkest 2020); "Inniò, nowhere" Kujacoustic (Folkest 2020); "Kaleidoscopic" Riccardo Morpurgo Mandala Trio (Artesuono 2019); "Geography" Mauro Darpin (Artesuono 2019); "The Wealth of Poverty" Glauco Venier and Luca Fantini (Artesuono 2018); "Landscapes" Lorena Favot (Artesuono 2018); "Untitled" Dario Carnovale (Albore 2018); "Hallways" Gaetano Valli (Jazzy Records 2017); "Sound of Africa" ​​Claudio Cojaiz & Second Time (Caligola 2017); "Jazz Loft" Massimo De Mattia & Bruno Cesselli (Artesuono 2016); "Quinteto Porteño with Strings" Quinteto Porteño (Birdland Sounds 2016); "Waves" Riccardo Chiarion (Caligola 2015); "La Bela Vie" Mocambo Swing (Note 2015); "Renaissance" Quinteto Porteño (Alfaproject 2014); "Symphonika" Glauco Venier & Michele Corcella (Artesuono 2013); "When I Grow Up" Mocambo Swing (Note 2013); "Blue Naif" Blue Naif (Cat Sound Records 2013); "Mosaic" Riccardo Chiarion (Caligola 2013); "Trilemma" Massimo De Mattia (Caligola 2013); "Waits" Glauco Venier 4et (Artesuono 2013); "Black Novel" Massimo De Mattia (Rudi Records 2012); "Acustikè" Lorena Favot & Gaetano Valli (Artesuono 2012); "Do Not Disturb The Piece" Jan Sturiale (Draw The Line 2011); "Mikiri +3" Massimo De Mattia (Pig Bristles 2011); "Desiderata" Quinteto Porteño (Alfaproject 2010); "Sounds & Places" Gaetano Valli (Artesuono 2010); "Secret Stories" Maurizio Pagnutti Sextet (Artesuono 2010); "Visionary" Lanfranco Malaguti Quartet (Splasch 2010); "Decarissimo" Quinteto Porteño (Sowhat 2008); "4 + 1" Federico Missio (Caligola 2008); "Travelers" U.T. Gandhi Fearless Five (Artesuono 2008); "Foams" Quertetto Ghirardini (Extraurbania 2005).
He participates as a double bass player in the soundtracks of: "Easy - An easy journey" by Andrea Magnani (Tucker Film 2017) soundtrack: Luca Ciut; "Sangre en la boca" by Herman Belon (Netflix 2016), Soundtrack: Luca Ciut; "Dancing with Maria" by Ivan Gergolet (Exit Media 2014), Soundtrack: Luca Ciut; "The last wheel of the cart" by Giovanni Veronesi (Worner Bross Italy 2013), Soundtrack: Elisa Toffoli; "Cuccioli - the Marco Polo code" by Sergio Manfio (01 Distribution 2010), Soundtrack: Lorenzo Tomio